Tyler Harney Photography

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A trip to Tampa, Florida (Part 5)

I was off on my own from here on out. I had chosen to head to Honeymoon State Park. I went there before to catch a sunset but didn't have enough time to explore the island.

The moment I drove in there was a gigantic turtle crossing the road. They were scattered all around the park. 

See this map in the original post

Upon walking up the beach I stopped at a cove that a bunch of birds were hanging out. Decided to test out this D850 and the 70-200mm on some action and wildlife.


Running out of light, I proceeded to walk the rest of the beach.

Found some interesting creatures on the beach. It had a jelly type feel to it.

I finally got the the end of the beach, set my stuff down and went for a walk through the water. That walk ended quite quickly when I glanced down to find myself one step away from stepping on a group of sting rays. 

The sun was going down so I had to head back but made some stops along the way.